Sun-soaked days, extended weekends and warmer temperatures offer more opportunities to kick back, relax, enjoy the outdoors while being productive. Summer is here, everything smells and feels different, so your mood. This makes it a great opportunity to evaluate and refresh your routine and have productive and fulfilling summer days!
Wellbeing matters for our team in SKC. And since it’s summer we do our best to make the most out of it. We make sure we work from places that make us happy. Our community manager, Ariadni, is now preparing our future self development events from the beautiful island of Paros, Greece.
Key to enjoying your work day no matter where you are in the world is building a beautiful routine. Are you ready to shape your routine and enjoy the summerish days to the fullest?
By creating a plan for your summer days and sticking to that routine, you will have a better chance of accomplishing more throughout the day and enjoy your time.

Here are the 8 healthy habits for your summer
Wake up earlier
Warmer weather, longer days, and shorter nights, summer can be your inspiration to become an early bird. As the American Psychological Association has found, morning people are happier and healthier. Maybe this summer is your opportunity to enjoy the daylight more, and become more productive.
Stay hydrated
You might already feel that the days are hotter, especially if you are outdoors or on the move. This can dehydrate you a lot, and thus drop your energy. There is one solution: WATER! Replace all the sugary, soft drinks with water, you will feel much more energetic and hydrated. One tip: Every summer day, the first thing you should do is to drink water!
Take a cold shower
Try cold showers every summer morning, you will feel refreshed and energized. You will unwind your tensions, you will boost your mood and you will kickstart your day actively. And a secret, cold water will make your skin and hair glow! And who doesn’t want to glow on summer days?
Have a healthy breakfast
You may have observed that during summers and especially hot days, the mood for food and the digestion are lower. Along with the dehydration, it is important to eat a complete, healthy breakfast daily. PS: Never skip breakfast. Not only do you provide fuel for your body, but you also stave off hunger and maintain your body’s metabolism. Be sure to include a breakfast consisting of fiber-rich, protein filled foods like oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and loads of fresh fruits.
Create a workout routine
Include in your summer days a light workout session. It will help you recharge and take a daily boost. Exercise helps your brain stay energetic and productive. The workout can be an outdoor run, or in your favorite gym. Set a time for it and a duration and stay accountable to it.

Go outdoors
Whether you like swimming, walking, gardening or practicing yoga, there are plenty of ways to get outside and get moving. Enjoy the sun when it is not so hot. Even if you need a fan or an ice pack to keep you cool, being outside during summer is an amazing way to spend your time. You can get a small yard pool, work on projects outdoors, and travel in and out of the country. It will help you boost your mood and your mental health.
Our community manager, Ariadni, makes sure she takes at least a daily after work walk without her phone.
Summer is the best time to improve your calm and focus. You can add an influx of energy to your mind by practicing daily meditation. When you practice meditation, you focus on surrounding yourself with positivity. This positive mindset will play an important role in letting go of negativity and anxiety and keeping you happy, healthy and energetic.
I personally meditate twice a day. This took years of practice to build up but now my body & mind feels when they need some mindfulness time. Start small and keep building it up.
Prioritize you
Summer can be your opportunity to have a deep self care routine. This can consist of everything that you really enjoy doing. Take time for yourself, no matter your office hours or the nature of your job. Go for that drink after work that you always postpone. Book a full day spa during the weekend. Go to festivals or concerts that you like. Capitalize the summer time to wind down while still being productive. Take care of yourself, work on your freedom mindset and strive for your best life.

Every summer is an opportunity to take up amazing new habits and create your desired routine. Get into a routine of doing something new that brings you joy while keeping you productive. Being successful in your job during summer doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy doing what fuels you. By combining a routine of work and of rest, while achieving your goals will build your confidence and motivation for more. Start building momentum for these summer habits, and give yourself an energetic and happy summer period ahead.