The Progress and Power of Women
As we approach International Women's Day, it's essential to recognize the significant strides women have made in various spheres of life. From leading nations to innovating in the STEM fields to business owners, women have demonstrated resilience, intelligence, and leadership. Their contributions are pivotal in driving societal progress and fostering a more inclusive world. Yet, despite these advancements, women still face discrimination that hinders their full participation in society. This blog post aims to shed light on these challenges, offering insights and actionable steps for both women and men to combat discrimination, thereby empowering women to embrace their unique strengths and potential.

Unveiling Discrimination in the Modern World
1. Occupational Segregation
Despite their capabilities, women remain underrepresented in fields such as STEM, leadership roles, and higher-paying industries. This segregation stems from deep-rooted biases and societal expectations, which often dictate career paths based on gender rather than aptitude and interest.
A study by the Pew Research Center found that women are significantly underrepresented in STEM fields, holding only 25% of computer roles and 14% of engineering positions in their 2017 study. This disparity is not solely about interest or capability but is also linked to societal stereotypes and educational biases that deter women from pursuing these careers from a young age.
2. The Persistent Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is a stark representation of inequality, with women generally earning less than men for equivalent work. This discrepancy is even more pronounced for women of color, highlighting the intersection of gender and racial discrimination.
According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2020, it will take 257 years to close the economic participation and opportunity gap between men and women at the current rate of progress. The report highlights that women earn roughly 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, a figure that varies significantly across countries and is even wider for women of color.
3. Maternity Leave Discrimination
The bias against women taking maternity leave is another barrier. This form of discrimination often manifests in reduced career advancement opportunities, impacting job security and long-term professional growth.
Research published in the Journal of Marriage and the Family indicates that women who take maternity leave are perceived as less committed to their jobs and are less likely to receive promotions or career advancement opportunities compared to their male counterparts. This discrimination not only affects women's career trajectories but also contributes to a broader gender inequality in the workplace.
4. The Subtlety of Microaggressions
Microaggressions, such as frequent interruptions, idea appropriation, and stereotyping, reflect the subtle yet pervasive nature of gender discrimination. These actions undermine women's contributions and perpetuate a culture of inequality.
A study in the "Psychology of Women Quarterly" found that women report experiencing workplace microaggressions, such as being interrupted, underestimated, or receiving backhanded compliments, at significantly higher rates than men. These microaggressions can diminish job satisfaction and increase stress, contributing to a less inclusive work environment.
5. Dress Code Bias
Dress code requirements can also discriminate, with women facing more stringent and scrutinized standards. This bias extends to expectations around makeup, footwear, and attire, emphasizing appearance over competence.
The Management Learning Journal published findings that dress codes in professional settings often enforce gender norms and disproportionately affect women, requiring them to adhere to more stringent and sexualized standards than men. This enforcement can lead to discrimination and even sexual harassment, impacting women's sense of safety and comfort in the workplace.
6. Healthcare Access and Bias
Women's health, particularly reproductive health, suffers from inadequate research, funding, and medical attention. The medical field's gender biases can lead to misdiagnosis, under-treatment, and a general lack of understanding of women's health needs.
Studies highlighted by the World Health Organization reveal that gender biases in healthcare result in women receiving less effective care than men, particularly in heart disease, stroke, and diabetes management. Women's health issues, especially those related to reproductive and sexual health, are often underfunded and stigmatized, leading to poorer health outcomes.
7. Credit and Financing Discrimination
Women entrepreneurs encounter obstacles in accessing credit and financing, often required to provide more substantial proof of their business's viability or facing unfavorable loan terms compared to their male counterparts.
The Harvard Business Review reports that women entrepreneurs receive only a fraction of venture capital funding compared to their male counterparts, with women-led startups receiving just 2.3% of the total VC funding in 2020. This gap underscores the financial barriers women face, often stemming from stereotypes about their business acumen and risk profile.
8. Online Harassment
The digital sphere is not immune to discrimination, with women disproportionately targeted by online harassment. This behavior restricts their freedom of expression and participation in online communities.
A Pew Research Center survey found that 33% of young women online have been sexually harassed or experienced online violence. This disproportionate targeting restricts women's ability to participate fully and safely in digital spaces, affecting their freedom of expression and access to online opportunities.
Steps Towards Change: What We Can Do
Addressing discrimination against women requires collective action and awareness. Here are steps we can take to foster an environment of equality and respect:
Educate and Advocate: Continuous learning about the issues women face and advocating for policy changes are crucial. We must support legislation and corporate policies that promote gender equality and protect women's rights.
Empower Through Representation: Promoting women into leadership positions and encouraging their participation in male-dominated fields can break stereotypes and change societal perceptions.
Challenge Norms: Both women and men can challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes by speaking out against discrimination and supporting one another in personal and professional settings.
Support and Mentorship: Establishing mentorship programs for women by women can provide the necessary guidance, confidence, and network to navigate challenges and pursue opportunities. You can look at Lean In, an organization who focus on professional development and peer support for women. Moreover, you can look at Global Invest Her, an organization aligned with SDGs aiming to empower female entrepreneurs to get funded faster. if you are in Greece, you can look at a great and impactful organization that boosts women professionally to achieve their dreams, Women On Top.

Empowering the Unique Strengths of Women
Women possess inherent strengths such as empathy, resilience, and the ability to innovate and collaborate. These qualities are invaluable in addressing today's complex challenges. By embracing and nurturing these strengths, women can lead change and inspire future generations.
As we commemorate International Women's Day, let's commit to recognizing and overcoming the discrimination that women face. Together, we can create a world where women are free to explore their full potential, contributing to a more equitable, diverse, and vibrant society. Let's celebrate the power and beauty of women's uniqueness, driving forward with determination and hope towards a future where every woman can shine brightly, unencumbered by discrimination.
A Call to Action
In this journey towards empowerment and equality, every action counts. Let's use this Women's Day as a catalyst for change, advocating for women's rights, supporting women in our communities, and challenging the structures that perpetuate discrimination. Together, we can build a world that acknowledges and celebrates the unique contributions of women, ensuring a brighter, more inclusive future for all.